ISO 9000 is an internationally recognized standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It defines the requirements for the realization within an organization of a quality management system, aimed at the correct management of business processes, at improving the effectiveness and efficiency in the realization of the product and in the provision of the service, with the aim of obtaining and increasing customer satisfaction and giving them comfort regarding the quality of the performance rendered.

Since 2000 OMB has been UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certified. We value this tool as an essential brand to make our customers and, in general, all our stakeholders, understand the commitment we make in every phase of the realization of their products and our seriousness in satisfying their requests.

The continuous improvement of productivity is a priority for us, not only in relation to the satisfaction of a market standard useful for managing the quality of the services we provide, but above all as a distinctive element in demonstrating the care and dedication we put into the research to achieve the reduction of waste and the implementation times of our processes. All this, keeping an eye on the realization, where possible, of a real advantage in economic terms both for our company and for our customers.



FESR - Veneto Region

During 2020, OMB obtained the funding provided by the European Commission as part of “Investments in favor of growth and employment“, part of the ERDF European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 for the introduction into the production cycle of a new technologically advanced press capable of printing plastic materials with a high degree of precision and equipped with software to provide production data.